
Subject : Re: LUG: REQ: Update on "Realm Ubuntu"

From : Alexander Ray <alexjray.ncsu@gmail.[redacted]>

Date : Sat, 30 May 2009 01:22:34 -0400


Well, right now Dr. Jasper has pretty much wrapped up the Fedora 10
RealmKit.... which is kinda funny as Fedora 11 ships in 11 days.

This is partially a fault on my part, as I was supposed to go through
and break it into manageable chunks to give to anyone willing to help

As i'm going to be busy at least from now til the fedora release, I
think the plan will be:
* Port the RealmKit to Fedora 11, and add in the final changes (like
the greeter)
* Compile a list of changes from Fedora 11 -> Fedora 11 RealmKit
* Divide up the list, and start NCSU LUGger's working on them.

I dont forsee any of this being too big, but if we REALLY wanted i bet
someone could find space to host an SVN for us to work out of. Thats
only if we want more than one person working on it concurrently, and
the only thing I can think of off the top of my head is AFS.

All of that being said it would be cool to have a day sometime this
summer or early fall where a bunch of us could get together and do a
Day-long or weekend-long development sprint. We could probably get
the majority of it, if not all of it knocked out in one shot (and its
more fun with more people).

We could even get food on our funding.... which is another thing I
have to get to....

~Alex /goes back to his todo list

PS: if we get it done in for fall appropriations we can request funds
to make NCSU LUG usb keys that we can preload with these!

On Sat, May 30, 2009 at 12:51 AM, Daniel Underwood
<daniel.underwood@ncsu.[redacted]> wrote:
> A while back, there was discussion about trying to form a
> realm-linux-like packaging of Ubuntu for NCSU. �Any news on that front?
> Just curious.
> --
> Daniel Underwood
> North Carolina State University
> Graduate Student - Operations Research
> email: daniel.underwood@ncsu.[redacted]
> phone: XXX.302.3291
> web:

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