
Subject : Re: LUG: installfest on 22 Apr

From : Chris Bookholt <cgbookho@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Tue, 11 Apr 2006 18:24:53 -0400


Jonathan Smith wrote:
> There are over a thousand open bugs against FC5 right now... over a
> thousand [1]. So many that bugzilla can't comprehend it.

Yes, over 1000 bugs and you should be thankful for every one of them.
The FC project uses its resources to tackle a lot of hard problems that
slow Linux adoption. Enabling suspend-to-disk for laptops by default
was a bold move. It's no great surprise that at any time there's
usually several things of varying importance that are broken.

The bottom line is that they're spending their money/time to fix bugs
and add features that other distributions can eventually pick up. Is it
the right distro for you? That depends, but at the very least you
should respect it. You make it sound as though they "screw things up"
because they're incompetent.

This rant brought to you by an FC user searching for another distro with
less brokenness.


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