
Subject : Re: LUG: installfest on 22 Apr

From : Jonathan Smith <smithj@gentoo.[redacted]>

Date : Tue, 11 Apr 2006 01:14:35 -0400


Mark Hamrick wrote:
> I'm with Jeremy on this one. I have used it, and I have had very little
> problems with it. I also use quite a few other distros, so don't think
> I am stating this without comparison.
> That being said I did have a little bit of adjustment on FC5 with
> NetworkManager, but that was because it was the first time I heavily
> used it.

The LUG list has already gotten a few complains iirc about USB mice not
working out of the box, and I have had friends complain about desktop
instability, font wierdness, and problems with losing settings on
upgrade (I guess thats not technically an issue with a brand new
install, but still).

There are over a thousand open bugs against FC5 right now... over a
thousand [1]. So many that bugzilla can't comprehend it. All I'm saying
is that I don't want to have to support some ex-windows user who has no
idea why $foonecessarycomponent isn't working.

I'm *not* spreading FUD about redhat. RHEL is a quality product.
However, Fedora Core was not ever meant to be a product, and many of the
kinks seem to have not been worked out.

/me drops the issue and prays that no flamewars break out



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