
Subject : LUG: May 21st Meeting - TriZPUG Presenting and Lightning Talks (and dinner)

From : Alexander Ray <alexjray.ncsu@gmail.[redacted]>

Date : Tue, 28 Apr 2009 17:09:26 -0400

Hey all,

I know a lot of you are going to be in town this summer, whether
you're a native, or on a co-op/internship in RTP. We're going to be
hosting a presentation by the Triangle Zope and Python Users Group.

Where: Room 2015 of Engineering Building I
When: Thursday May 21 @ 7:00 pm

We're going to be combining the NCSU LUG's tradition of going out
after the meeting with TriZPUG's, and they'd like to hear back from
people who are interested in going. (sound off to this list)

ALSO: To all of LUGger's that like playing around with Python:
TriZPUG has another interesting tradition at meetings of ending a
meeting with "Lightning Talks." Its a quick ~5 minute talk about
something you've discovered/written/built/made related to
Here would be a good chance to talk about your Sephiabot if you have
one, and plans for her.
I know Akdom was working on a python program to turn his laptop into a
pseudo-theramin... and almost drove a nearby fish insane testing it.
Other Cool Stuff! Come and Share!

Thanks so much, and I hope to see y'all there!
~Alex Ray

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