Subject : Re: LUG: polyphasic sleep
From : Brian Cottingham <spiffytech@gmail.[redacted]>
Date : Tue, 11 Aug 2009 07:11:46 -0400
Interesting topic that's come up (at least for me) online, in Wired
Magazine, at the most recent BarCamp RDU and most recently in IRC.
Polyphasic sleep is in a nutshell, breaking up your sleep schedule so
you sleep for shorter periods more often (as opposed to one huge
stretch per day).
The end goal is that you sleep LESS overall time than you would in one shot.
I'm definitely interested in trying a Month-long sleep experiment on
myself sometime during the spring semester (no way that'd work w/
marching band in the fall semester).
Is there any other interest in the group for doing something on this?
We could definitely have a talk/session on polyphasic sleep and what
resources there are currently out there as well as what people have
already found.