
Subject : LUG: Minutes from January 18 minutes

From : Brian Adam Pike <bapike@unity.ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Wed, 19 Jan 2005 13:25:01 -0500

The Installfest is tentatively planned for Saturday, February 26, although
the final date depends on if Jack Neely's available to run the DHCP server
and the dates of other area installfests. It was decided that we should
try to poster on the Monday and Thursday beforehand, that Heather or
someone else would get doughnuts, and that we should try to have some
copies of Fedora Core 4-test1 since it's supposed to be ready on the 21st.

It was agreed that the next meeting would be a dinner meeting.

Potential Meeting Topics:
o Ed - Subversion (could we get someone else for CVS?)
o Elliot - "the Realm", i.e., the big picture of how NCSU's network works
o Sean - fractals, video, security? (has presented for TriLUG before)
o Hunter - Hunter did a great talk on kernel 2.6 last year, which could
be revised and reprised
o ??? - Wireless networks and wireless cards
o Mark, a.k.a. KingAnt - Gaim and reverse-engineering the AIM protocols
(has presented for TriLUG)
o A series of talks on package management systems (apt/dpkg/deb, RPM,

Currently the best candidates for talks are Subversion and "the Realm".

We also talked about access to, and decided that people
will need to come to meetings to fill out a form which will be given back
to them at the following meeting. In other words, people need to come to
at least 2 meetings in order to gain access. We'll also be able to keep a
list of "LUG members," even though that distinction won't really mean
anything. Note that since access to this machine works through a
whitelist of Unity IDs, you will need to already have a NCSU account.

Brian Pike
LUG@NCSU Secretary

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