
Subject : Re: LUG: Blog post - CSC 116 critiqued

From : Andrew Hall <adhall@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Sun, 01 Jan 2012 02:19:35 -0500


I agree that the course needs some work, but that could be said about most courses. Some points I'd like to address in order to hopefully portray what I think was meant for the structure:

1. lack of REPL is by design. It is common for students to be taking physics where many things such as python are used. Overall I think it better suited that compiled code be learned first. I've found it much better to go from compiled to interpreted, as most if not all REPLs are, since interpreted doesn't differ by much. On the contrary, I believe it would be much harder to go from interpreted to compiled as the work would seem pointless to some extend, and possibly the reasoning behind compiled languages would be lost. REPL is nice for quick code snippets, but I think the class as a whole wants newcomers to experience the nostalgia of a compilation from start to finish.

2. Your thoughts of superficial understanding are somewhat correct, but I believe that could be said on many other courses. While not necessarily a point towards the positive, I'm trying to maintain a realistic ideal of what a class should teach and the progress students should make. 116 is an introductory course, and clearly contains the beginnings of understanding without fully reaching them.  This may be to the advantage of programmers, however, in order to lay grounds for possibilities rather than teach reasoning. Each new programmer will *possibly* have a whole future learning why things are done the way they are. In most new material it is shunned to flood the reader/learner with every detail to make progress. It is often nice and inspiring to see the possibilities for a skyscraper before making the plans, so to speak.

3. I can't argue with code maintenance/commenting. It is important, almost possibly the MOST important aspect of coding. It not only allows you to debug your own code more effectively, but encourages a more team oriented approach in that someone can easily deduce your reasoning from comments. I'm not sure how the class went for you, but my class required extensive comments and well organized code. It usually made up around 30% of the total grade, if my memory serves correctly.

These are just a few points I thought could lend a hand in understanding the decisions the CSC board has made about the content of CSC 116. However, with everything, there is always room for improvements and it's good to see some *future* professors taking note of these problems.


On Sat, Dec 31, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Matthew Frazier < mlfrazie@ncsu.[redacted] > wrote:
Hello, LUGgers.

I took CSC 116 last semester, and wrote up an article with my thoughts and opinions on the class. It's at . I thought you might be interested in reading it.

(Also it's on HN: )

Matthew Frazier
North Carolina State University