
Subject : Re: LUG: Install OpenGL or Mesa in Fedora?

From : Richard Carter <rwcarter@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Fri, 07 Oct 2011 17:04:32 -0400


For what it's worth, both Gmail's web app and Mac OSX Lion's Mail app had no problem identifying them as two separate threads. Perhaps you should file a bug report against your client and ask for it to be less conforming...

On Fri, Oct 7, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Kevin Hunter < hunteke@earlham.[redacted] > wrote:
At 8:58pm -0400 Wed, 05 Oct 2011, Quang Van Le wrote:
I need to install a package named Togl, which requires OpenGL ...

Educational moment:

Emails are not threaded merely by subject, but by an internal header that reads something like this

Message-Id: < at >
In-Reply-To: < 4F9441CBB35E4377B19A0EDF1A121C 21 at >
References: < 4F9441CBB35E4377B19A0EDF1A121C 21 at >

These are how most conforming mail clients (email programs like
Thunderbird, Evolution, or Outlook Express) identify threads.  Thus, even though you changed the subject, you were responding to the same thread (in this case, Daniel's question about cron).

I don't know what mail client you use, but if there is an option to
"view source" or "view headers" in your interface, you can see what I'm
talking about.  Alternatively, you can switch the view within your mail client to "Threaded".

This has implications for those of us who prefer to read threaded conversations in our mail clients, and for those who read archived messages on line.  In short, please start a new thread by starting a new thread, not by replying to a message and merely changing the subject.

