
Subject : LUG: A few technical questions.

From : Jeffery Mewtamer <mewtamer@gmail.[redacted]>

Date : Fri, 16 Sep 2011 14:19:24 -0400

Good Afternoon,

I am having a few technical issues that I though my fellow LUGers
could help me resolve.

First, I am running Debian Testing with XFCE and having issues with
behavior at start-up and shutdown.

Start-up: At present, Debian gives me a text-login and I have to use
the startx command to launch XFCE. I would like to configure it so
that XFCE launches automatically and gives me a graphical login

Shutdown: When bring up XFCE's Log Out dialog, the Restart and Shut
Down buttons are not selectable. Furthermore, clicking the Log Out
button causes my computer to stop sending a signal to the monitor and
forces me to hard reset the box before I can resume using my computer.
I have to open a terminal window and use su to initiate a proper
reboot or shutdown.

Secondly, Does anyone know anyway to access AFS while maintaining
access to my computer's local filesystem and applications? Using ssh
to remotely login into the EOS server lets me access and modify files
I have on NCSU's servers, but the remote login renders the local
filesystem invisible to my terminal window, and limits me to the
command line applications on the server. I would like to be able to do
school work on my own box, print to my own printer, and be able to
save my work both locally and on the server without having to use
external storage to move files between personal and school computers.

Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated.


Jeffery Wright
President Emeritus, Nu Nu Chapter, Phi Theta Kappa.
Secretary, Student Government Association, College of the Albemarle.

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