Subject : Re: LUG: HDD Caddy for Ubuntu system
From : Mike Holstein <mikeh789@gmail.[redacted]>
Date : Tue, 17 Jan 2012 10:49:32 -0500
Hey all, haven't been much of an active member since club meetings got switched around. But I am still a big Linux user! I am looking for some input on a current issue I am facing with trying to install a Linux system again.
My current setup is:Gateway/Acer LaptopWindows 7 Ultimate 64bit OSNV55c39 (i believe)i5 Intel cpu,8GB RAM60GB SSD
I have to be using a Microsoft OS (much to my hatred) due to my insulin pump software and my music production software. Currently there are only drivers compatible with a Microsoft OS, for the wireless USB receiver that my insulin pump transmits too. This is why I have to have Windows access (and the ability to change/install namesaid software + drivers) For all my art/photography/productivity and EVERYTHING else I way prefer Ubuntu and opensource software, so I am trying to setup a Linux system very soon! I am not comfortable partitioning my SSD as this is still pretty new technology for me, so I would like to install a second hard drive via removing the optical disc drive and using a caddy (sp?).
I have never cracked open my laptop to this degree, but decided that this will be the cheapest and most efficient method of using my current hardware, smallest budget, and having a Linux system again. Please let me know any links/advice or help anyone can give. Also when are we meeting now?
Thanks!~Caleb Wilson
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