Subject : Re: LUG: LUG T-shirt design chosen. What's your size?
From : Brian Cottingham <spiffytech@gmail.[redacted]>
Date : Tue, 12 Apr 2011 22:16:06 -0400
PS - we're thinking about replacing the Zmanda logo. Any thoughts on that and a replacement?
On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 9:50 PM, Edward Anderson < nilbus@nilbus.[redacted] > wrote:
After working with the designer to tweak it some, we finally have our final T-shirt design! I've attached a copy of the final design. We'll also have the Cisco logo (our sponsor) on the back. I think we should keep it simple and just put the logo without any surrounding text. We'll do that unless anyone disagrees.
As of right now, we're thinking that shirts for attending LUG members will cost $2. What a steal! :-) The nominal fee is essentially to keep people who don't care from taking one just because it's a free shirt. Once have a rough idea of the quantity we'll need, we'll have them printed.
If you would like a shirt, send your shirt size to our treasurer bsberry@ncsu.[redacted] .
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