
Subject : LUG: Second (and third, and fourth, and fifth) chances to pick up your LUG T-Shirt

From : Benjamin Berry <bsberry@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Fri, 06 May 2011 12:08:36 -0400

I will be on-campus next week for exams, and be available to sell some shirts. All of my exams are 1-4pm, so I will be hanging out on campus noon-1pm each day so people can come pick up shirts. Note the locations differ by day:

Monday, 9 May: I will be in EBI on Centennial
Tuesday, 10 May: I will be in Nelson Hall on Main Campus
Wednesday, 11 May: I will be in EBII on Centennial
Thursday: 12 May: I will be in Tompkins Hall on Main Campus

If you'd like to pick up your shirt during these times, come by the building stated above and text me at XXX-601-3101 and I'll guide you to wherever I've managed to set up shop. Also, if meeting before the exam (i.e. noon-1pm) won't work, but after the exam (2-3pm-ish, depending on the exam), email or text me and we'll set something up.

If these times still don't work, I sincerely apologize. I'll do what I can to get these shirts out to you folks as soon as I can.

Ben Berry