
Subject : LUG: Tonight's LUG Meeting (1/31/12)

From : Michael Wright <mdwrigh2@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Tue, 31 Jan 2012 15:26:36 -0500

Hello LUGers,

Unfortunately tonight's speaker won't be able to make it due to some unfortunate circumstances, so instead we'll be having another hack night! Bring your latest project to work on, and maybe even get help from others. There may also be some impromptu technical talks if there's interest, as I know a number of us have old and/or unused talks in the wings.

Just to be clear, Extreme Networks will *not* be attending tonight's meeting, nor will they have a representative there to accept resumes. They will, however, still be providing pizza for tonight's meeting. So come, hack, and eat free pizza!

See you all there,

Michael Wright
NCSU LUG President