
Subject : LUG: Fwd: [TriLUG-announce] February 10 meeting: Hacking with Backtrack4 and Metasploit

From : Alexander Ray <alexjray.ncsu@gmail.[redacted]>

Date : Mon, 07 Feb 2011 23:44:03 -0500

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Justis Peters < justis.peters@gmail.[redacted] >
Date: Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 11:02 PM
Subject: [TriLUG-announce] February 10 meeting: Hacking with Backtrack4 and Metasploit
To: TriLUG Announce < trilug-announce@trilug.[redacted] >

Title: Hacking with Backtrack4 and Metasploit

Time and Place: February 10, 2011, 7pm, at Red Hat HQ
Presenter: Ryan Linn

When we deploy Linux servers on the Internet, they are exposed to the entire world, and they may be vulnerable to attacks. How can we know that they are secure?

As part of the security team at SAS, Ryan Linn tests systems against vulnerabilities, and he recommends ways to mitigate the risks. The tools that he uses are open source, and very sophisticated.

Ryan will introduce us to Backtrack4, the LiveCD with hacking in mind. He will show us how to use the tools to scan a network for vulnerable machines, test a target machine against a list of known vulnerabilities, and how to take control over a machine. PWN3D.

The world-wide Internet - you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. Backtrack4 is a must-have tool for anyone planning to put a computer into that environment.

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