
Subject : LUG: SoutheastCon programming competition with IEEE

From : Edward Anderson <nilbus@nilbus.[redacted]>

Date : Thu, 02 Sep 2010 16:53:29 -0400

The IEEE has invited us to participate with them in this year's SoutheastCon in Nashville, TN. Probably most interesting to us would be the programming competition. Who's interested?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Rebecca Purvis < rlpurvis@ncsu.[redacted] >
Date: Sat, Aug 28, 2010 at 2:31 AM
Subject: [ieeesb] NCSU IEEE member involvement and competitions
To: ieeesb@ncsu.[redacted]

SoutheastCon (sponsored by IEEE)
Our biggest competition is SoutheastCon. Last year it was in Charlotte, NC at Embassy Suites. This year it is in Nashville, NC.
Schools compete against each other in Hardware, Software, Ethics, T-Shirt Design, and Technical Paper.

Description of each competition at this conference.
Hardware: This year, the objective of the robot is to find a victim in a natural disaster and report back its location, whether it is conscious, unconscious, dead or alive. We need to get started on this ASAP.

Software: Last year we were given 7 or 8 programming problems in which we were to write in the C language. It involved the Android operating system. The description for this year's software competition have not been released yet.

Ethics: Teams are given a set of ethical situations. More information will be given later.

T-Shirt Design: We are looking for someone to design t-shirts for us. If and when you have a design, please email us and send it to us for review. The winner will get a monetary incentive from us, and any participants are welcome to come to the conference with us to compete against the other schools. The design can be for a T-shirt or a labcoat

You can check out last year's T-Shirt winner at and clicking on "IEEE SoutheastCon T-Shirt" on the tabs to the right.  ( leave your comments. we had our own :-/ )

Technical Paper: Write a paper according to the rules and guidelines (which will be given when available) and the winner will be recognized by IEEE and have their paper published.

All accommodations are paid for by NCSU IEEE. There may be limitations on the number of people that can actually compete, but anyone is welcome to participate. All participants can go to the conference, including graduate students.

Other than competitions at this conference, there will be representatives from companies looking to hire. Bring your resumes!

We had a great time last year. There is also down time to network with other schools, each other, and company vendors.

At the end of this email is a list of the new members and what you are participating in. If this is incorrect please notify us. If you are already on the list, there is no need to specify again what you want to participate in.

Replies :