
Subject : Re: LUG: Using Compiz on a laptop (Slackware)

From : Alexander Kansinally <ajkansin@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Mon, 31 Jan 2011 16:13:33 -0500


Hey Kevin,

Well I'm using Compiz standalone, with emerald as my window decorator. I'd have to know more about your system to tell you what is going on, but I can narrow it down to two things. Either gnome and compiz working together is causing that memory usage, or it's the way you are using compiz (ie which plugins, etc). What I can tell you for sure is that it definitely isn't using much memory on my system. I have conky displaying the top mem/cpu eating programs at all times, and I rarely see compiz up there. And even when it is, it's using a very small percentage. According to other compiz users on various forums, Compiz is actually pretty efficient. Not sure about their configurations, but I can definitely say it's working well when using it without any other system such as gnome or kde (which I don't use). Oh, and I'm using 0.8.6, so I'm not sure about 0.9.x...

-- Xander

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 3:09 PM, Daniel Underwood < daniel.underwood@ncsu.[redacted] > wrote:
* Disclaimer noted :)

On Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:41 -0500, "Kevin Hunter" < hunteke@earlham.[redacted] > wrote:
> At 12:37pm -0500 Sun, 30 Jan 2011, Alexander Kansinally wrote:
> > Well.. After a day or two of rebuilding my xorg system from scratch, along
> > with compiz of different versions it turns out conky was the culprit
> > along...
> Well, now that you've found the issue, I'm curious if you'll note any
> other issues generally involving Compiz.  I used Compiz for about 4
> months before I finally realized that on my setup, it was slowly eating
> memory.  I value and heavily use my memory so I have opted not to use it
> anymore, but I'm wondering if it's just me having this issue.
> Also, as a semi-replacement for Conky*, and assuming you use Gnome, you
> might appreciate the system monitor applet.  For example, here's my
> Gnome Panel:
> Cheers,
> Kevin
> * Not full, I know, as Daniel was espousing to me some of the cool
> things he had scripted with it.
Daniel Underwood
North Carolina State University
PhD Student - Industrial Engineering
email: daniel.underwood@ncsu.[redacted]
phone: XXX.302.3291
fax: XXX.515.5281