
Subject : LUG: June wncLUG meeting

From : Dennis Hunter <dhunter@redhat.[redacted]>

Date : Tue, 01 Jun 2010 10:39:04 -0400

The following is a new meeting request:

Subject: LUG: June wncLUG meeting
Organizer: "Dennis Hunter" <dhunter@redhat.[redacted]>

Location: firestorm cafe
Time: Saturday, June 5, 2010, 12:00:00 PM - 1:00:00 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Invitees: "Mike Holstein" ; "WNC Linux User's" ; "Ubuntu North Carolina" ; "lug"


Saturday, June 5th, NOON @ the firestorm cafe

Andrew Winnenberg (devious) will be showing us what can be done with DD in an informative must-see command line presentation...

what is DD ??

dd is a very powerful tool, and a very common *nix program that is even available in OSX... it is an excellent example of the UNIX philosophy where a very simple tool can become so useful and important... i found DD to be an easy-ish way for me to take a common task that i do, and put it in the command line, helping me 'get my feet wet' using the terminal...

*as always, any ideas, suggestions or volunteers for presentations are welcome

*also a reminder about the chat channel on freenode @ #wnclug
