
Subject : Re: LUG: Server, funds, purpose

From : Jack Neely <jjneely@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Wed, 10 Feb 2010 14:11:20 -0500


> 3. This doesn't concern me at all since I don't develop Realm Linux. Does
> anyone run Realm Linux? Would this be a good return on investment, to spend
> a thousand or two on developing this? (this is an honest question, not
> sarcastic; I honestly don't know the popularity level of Realm Linux or
> really anything about it, other than it's a special NCSU flavor of Linux)

*I* don't have a budget for developing Realm Linux. Yet, no one has
asked for a VM or two for RL dev work and I can most likely make that
happen free of charge.

Otherwise, I'd be glad to take the cash and get some better test
equipment. :-D

> 5. A git or svn repository /may/ be a legitimate concern... If we, the LUG
> collective, were developing things to put on those repositories. Are we
> talking about repositories to be used for each of our personal things, or a
> LUG project? If the latter, I'm all for it. But I'm paying for my own
> private SVN hosting to store my own code and I don't think this is a good
> way to spend money on a computer. Besides, shouldn't we be supporting open
> source? If it's shared among LUG past, present and future members, it may as
> well be out in the open on Github or Google Code, right?

SVN and HG repositories for open source projects are provided as well.

If you guys are really nice, we can setup some Git repos on


Jack Neely <jjneely@ncsu.[redacted]>
Linux Czar, OIT Campus Linux Services
Office of Information Technology, NC State University
GPG Fingerprint: 1917 5AC1 E828 9337 7AA4 EA6B 213B 765F 3B6A 5B89