
Subject : Re: LUG: Symbolic link for AFS directory

From : Bryan Ritter <bfritter@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Sat, 13 Mar 2010 17:14:50 -0500


(first time at trying to reply to LUG messages, I hope this works...)

I made a document about hooking up to NCSU AFS student folders.
I put it on

The first part of it goes through a hard way of setting it up, but had less time out issues (at least with me).

The last part goes and tells an easier way of going about it:
install sshfs
sudo apt-get install sshfs
insert a line like this into /etc/fstab
(sudo kate /etc/fstab, where kate is your text editor)

sshfs#bfritter@ftp.ncsu.[redacted]:/afs/ /Drives/Documents_sshfs fuse user,noauto 0 0
Replacing path info above with your path.
Usually /afs/ a '/' then the first letter of first name a '/' then your email account name
replace /Drives/Documents_sshfs with where you want to mount the folder.

then sudo mount /Drives/Documents_sshfs
or where ever you set the your AFS folder to mount in the previous command
Enter in your NCSU password


I got a message saying
your Unity account will
be disabled on Tuesday, March 16, 2010
So get what you need before then
(I'm no longer an enrolled NCSU student)

asarkar3@ncsu.[redacted] wrote:

How can I create a symbolic link for my AFS home directory on Ubuntu. I
ln -s

but it says the path could not be found. However when I do a 'Connect to
Server' I am able to connect using the same path.
