
Subject : LUG: GNOME desktop: default icon placement

From : "Daniel Underwood" <daniel.underwood@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Fri, 14 May 2010 22:29:46 -0400

I'd like the icons for new files downloaded or copied to the desktop to
be placed on the right side of the screen instead of on the left side.
The reason is that I have a conky window in the bottom-left corner of
the screen, and icons often get shoved behind this window. How can I do
this? (I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 / GNOME 2.30.0)

Here's all I could find on the web:


Daniel Underwood
North Carolina State University
Graduate Student - Operations Research
email: daniel.underwood@ncsu.[redacted]
phone: XXX.302.3291
fax: XXX.515.5281

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