
Subject : Re: LUG: Using Compiz on a laptop (Slackware)

From : Kevin Hunter <hunteke@earlham.[redacted]>

Date : Mon, 31 Jan 2011 13:41:09 -0500


At 12:37pm -0500 Sun, 30 Jan 2011, Alexander Kansinally wrote:
> Well.. After a day or two of rebuilding my xorg system from scratch, along
> with compiz of different versions it turns out conky was the culprit
> along...

Well, now that you've found the issue, I'm curious if you'll note any
other issues generally involving Compiz. I used Compiz for about 4
months before I finally realized that on my setup, it was slowly eating
memory. I value and heavily use my memory so I have opted not to use it
anymore, but I'm wondering if it's just me having this issue.

Also, as a semi-replacement for Conky*, and assuming you use Gnome, you
might appreciate the system monitor applet. For example, here's my
Gnome Panel:



* Not full, I know, as Daniel was espousing to me some of the cool
things he had scripted with it.

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