
Subject : Re: LUG: Kerberos Ports

From : Bryan Burroughs <beburrou@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Tue, 31 Jan 2006 07:33:12 -0500


Jack Neely wrote:

>On Mon, Jan 30, 2006 at 11:43:54AM -0500, John Berninger wrote:
>>Jack Neely wrote:
>>>Cast aside those evil DNS servers!! Are you on resnet? The DNS servers
>>>they seem to hand out via DHCP are not cool.
>>>Edit /etc/resolv.conf and use and Then chattr
>>>+i /etc/resolv.conf which is an evil hack to keep the DHCP daemons from
>>>overwriting your DNS configuration. You should be able to lookup
>>>servers now. More importantly you should be able to run "hes <userid>"
>>>and get an answer. If hesiod doesn't resovle propperly that would keep
>>>you from being able to log in and it is an extension of the DNS service.
>>Cast aside that evil chattr command! Put "PEERDNS=no" in your interface
>>config file instead (e.g. /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0) -
>>that's the "proper" way to ensure you don't get told to use "bad" DNS
>>servers by a DHCP server. Using that chattr command could lead to great
>>annoyance if you ever want to take the machine elsewhere and you've
>>forgotten about the chattr'd file.
>So THAT's the magic! :-)
*GASP* you mean there is something Jack doesn't know? That's crazy
Anyway, I tried the new DNS servers and the PEERDNS=no idea to no
avail. Same DNS type troubles. I do get a hes response, though.
However, it seems that I also got one with the prior settings as well...
All-in-All, same symptoms.

OK, new info! Just for kicks I bypassed the router completely (as I
should have done in the first place) and plugged straight into resnet.
No dice. Exact same symptoms, with one exception: it takes longer for
it to bounce my unity information. So, I log in as root and run
firefox, and of course I am asked to log into nomads. So I do that.
Log out of root and enter my unity info: same length of time spent
waiting as before (~10-15 seconds), but this time I get an error message
saying that "/ncsu/beburrou/" is my home directory but is not available
(probably because /afs didn't mount). I look at the log info that is
supplied and it gives two mentions of Divide by 0. So, I reboot. AFS
still doesn't mount, but the passes this time, after
a 5 second delay. (Probably got the DNS to work now because the router
was using the old DNS info...) Same message when logging in. So I
choose to mount /root as the home directory and it dies after 10 seconds.
I try logging in under failsafe and get the same message, but I at
least get to a terminal, but I still see "Divide by 0" right above my
prompt. Rebooting gives the same problems. However, DNS works now, as
it should, even under the router with the changed DNS info on the router.
So, it appears that the resnet nomad gave me initial hiccups with
authentication, but after actually logging in it went away (maybe
something to look at, especially if I can reproduce the problem. will
try after class), but AFS is still not mounting which is probably the
main problem now.

Are there possibly any services or anything like that that would
interfere w/ afs?

Gonna get this thing!
Bryan Burroughs

"It's a one dog town, and he's old and mean..."
-- Garth Brooks

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