: Re: LUG: LInux and DSL
: Baird Hendrix <bmhendri@ncsu.[redacted]>
: Fri, 12 Aug 2005 00:26:32 -0400
If you have a router you can use, or buy cheap/get for free from a
friend, then you can set up the router with the PPPoE settings (the ISP
should help you with this if you need help), and just hook the Linux
computer into the router. It offers a little extra security anyways,
since you aren't exposing all your ports for potential attackers to see
from the get go. Linksys routers are everywhere, and you can probably
find them pretty easily since alot of people have ditched their old
routers for wireless ones.
orangecat246@yahoo.[redacted] wrote:
>Hello all,
>I am very, very new to Linux and will be installing Mepis Linux on my laptop this weekend. My question is which DSL service can I sunscribe to that supports Linux? The only one I looked into is BellSouth and they told me they don\'t support Linux.
>Thanks for your help.