
Subject : LUG: Mysql Upgrade help...

From : "Sam Newnam" <sam@systemsam.[redacted]>

Date : Wed, 07 Sep 2005 17:18:09 -0400

So I got this root server from for our ministry hosting. It comes preloaded with Fedora2/Plesk7.5/ etc. Problem is that it uses mysql 3.22 and we want 4.1. I've tried upgrading that sucker myself a number of times and have failed. I've googled all over the place and some say its simple, other experience the same issues I do. The nice thing is every time I mess it up I can restore back to the default image (takes about an hour)
So here is the deal - anyone willing to help me out with this? I'm at a loss - I just feel like 4.1 is smart move (staying php 4 until more things are 5 compliant) while things are new. I'd be willing trade you a $25 gift cert to your favorite restaurant in exchange for the help. I can give you all the ssh login info.
Thanks for your help.
Sam Newnam
Campus Crusade for Christ