
Subject : Re: LUG: Schedule for the coming semester - ideas

From : jpgoel@ncsu.[redacted]

Date : Sat, 09 Jan 2010 10:59:35 -0500


Its a bash trick. Say your bash session looks like:

java foo

"!vim" expands to the most recent history item that starts with those
letters. "!vim" would execute "vim". This will save you millions
of keystrokes during your programming career, thus increasing the life of
your keyboard.

So now you can say:

java foo

(note that you can't say "!java" after "!javac", since the string "java"
matches the first letters of the history item "javac". Thus !java will
execute javac.)

Of course this works with any command.

ls /media/cdrom/path/to/folder
vim files.txt
# hey i forgot what was in my folder. what's that path again?


On Sat, January 9, 2010 10:42 am, Karl Nilsson wrote:
> As for presentations, the one subject I am most interested in is
> OpenCL. Not exactly linux-related, but is definitely an important
> upcoming technology. Also the NIST SHA-3 competition, specifically the
> algorithm design.
> I'd be more than happy to help with the FOSS fair. I enjoyed it last
> year, and hope there's another one this year (although I don't see any
> mention of it on the osi wiki)
> As for e115, we could always impress the freshman with a demo of
> compiz + wiimote (OMG SPINNAN CUBEZ!). Also, a Lucid Lynx release
> party might bring in some people. And a third suggestion is show how
> powerful linux is, for example its use in VCL. I'll bet that the vast
> majority of students don't know how VCL works.
> I worked at Red Hat this past Summer (along with Alex), and could give
> a short presentation about my experiences. I worked on Satellite QA.
> Nothing big, maybe 5-10 mins
> Regarding ads, I think it would be a lot easier to do a cardboard
> template and spray chalk, than using a chalk stick, but I don't know
> what the cost would be. Also I'm not an artist.
> @jpgoel
> what's the !java trick? I've been it perl/python land too long

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