
Subject : LUG: Smolder Hack Nite December 11, 7pm 'til closing

From : Brad Oaks <bradoaks@gmail.[redacted]>

Date : Tue, 08 Dec 2009 16:59:56 -0500

Hello Perl Mongers, TriLUGgers, and NCSULUGgers,

This Friday evening will be having our first Hack Nite to
work on Smolder.

We'll meet at Plus Three's office in Downtown Raleigh at 434
Fayetteville Street, Suite 1240, Raleigh NC 27601
Plus Three ( will be providing pizza and sodas.

Those of us who hang out in irc ( agreed that
we wanted to work on Smolder. Michael Peters is the author of
Smolder, and he has made a list of tasks we could work on during the
Hack Nite. You'll see below that the tasks are divide into groups:
Easy, Medium, and Hard. We are hoping there is something for everyone
who wants to join us.

There are a few items (listed below) you should tackle before Friday
evening so we will have a good starting place. If you have trouble
with these, subscribe to raleigh-talk@pm.[redacted] and ask for some help
from the group. (

Since space is somewhat limited, and to make sure we get the right
amount of PIZZA, you will need to RSVP (bradoaks@gmail.[redacted]) to let us
know you're planning to attend. Also let me know if you prefer
vegetarian toppings.

There is free parking available after 7pm downtown. We may keep the
lights on as late as 2am, but you are certainly welcome to leave well
before then.

Our building is locked after hours, so we'll need to coordinate
bringing folks up to the 12th floor. I'll send more detailed
directions and parking information to those who send me an email to
let me know they're interested.

We're looking forward to some collaborative hacking,

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Smolder Hackathon
Date: Tue, 08 Dec 2009 12:31:41 -0500
From: Michael Peters <mpeters@plusthree.[redacted]>
To: brad <bradoaks@plusthree.[redacted]>

Smolder is a "Continuous Integration Smoke Server" available on CPAN
( with source on github

Before coming on Friday it's probably a good idea to get familiar with
Smolder (by reading Smolder::Manual and looking at
TAP::Harness::Archive). Also, please go ahead and make sure you know how
to use git at least on a basic level (checkout, add, commit, pull and
push) and then make a fork of the Smolder project (doing it through
github is easier for me because then I can get pull notifications, do
cherry picking merges in the UI, see who else is working on Smolder, etc).

If you have problems getting Smolder up and running, I'll be here to
help but hopefully we can communicate via email or IRC and everyone who
is coming can have it up and running before hand.

I've made a list of some tasks that I think could be accomplished during
the hackathon. These are broken down into Easy, Medium and Hard stuff.
Easy should be doable by anyone, Medium for people who want more of a
challenge and Hard for someone who really wants to work and possibly be
involved in the project longer term.

+ Add screenshots to POD (
+ Pull out most (if not all) style attributes from HTML elements and
put them into the appropriate .css file.
+ Allow anonymous uploads via smolder_smoke_signal
+ Add good documentation for configuration
+ Change Build.PL so that only Smolder, Smolder::Manual, smolder,
smolderctl and smolder_smoke_signal are viewable/indexed in
+ RT #52338 (log file getting truncated)
+ RT #49993 (default port)

+ Get /static urls outputting better HTTP headers to improve browser
+ Handle SKIP ALL better (showing more information rather than just "No
tests run". This might need to be done at the TAP::Harness::Archive
+ Precompile all templates at startup (speeds it up and increases
shared memory)
+ RT #49989 (JS error)
+ Change URLs so public and private projects are accessed over the same

+ Design Plugin Architecture
+ adding and overriding templates and htdocs
+ adding sql tables
+ adding code
+ Create a full search system of smoke reports, not just a listing
by most recent. This would allow for searching based on project,
status, category, key words in test reports, etc.
+ Import/Export of projects so you can move them around to different
Smolder installs

I'm also willing to help anyone with any other Smolder RT tickets that
might tickle your fancy.

Michael Peters
Plus Three, LP