
Subject : LUG: Windows 7 Load Fest 11/19

From : Richard Carter <rwcarter@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Thu, 12 Nov 2009 02:03:34 -0500

Hey all,

Sorry to encroach on the Linux user group with a Windows event, but
since most of us use both platforms regularly, I figured those of you
that are still dual-booting Vista or haven't yet installed your MSDNAA
copy of Win7 might be interested in attending. Please forward to any
other lists or students that might also be interested.



Are you running Windows 7 yet? Come upgrade your computer at the
upcoming Windows 7 Load Fest!

I'm Richard Carter, the Microsoft Student Partner for NC State and
I'll be helping you back up your data and upgrade to Windows 7! Just
bring your laptop and its charger, and I'll provide the install discs.

Thursday, November 19, 7-10pm
1021 EBII, Centennial Campus

You will get an "I'm a PC" sticker just for installing Windows 7, and
there will be several other giveaways. In addition, learn about
Imagine Cup, the Ultimate Steal, and other Microsoft developments, as
well as some announcements from the IEEE on campus.

No food or drinks in the room please; they will not be provided.

It's best if you back up your data before Thursday; I recommend using
Live Mesh ( to store up to 5 GB of your most
important files, or using an external hard drive which can be found in
the NC State Bookstore or any electronics store. You can also back up
your files to your disk space at NC State; additional space can be
purchased at
Please email me if you'd like more information on backup options.

>From main campus, just catch the Engineering bus 3 to EBII between
7-8pm (1021 is in the right side when you get off the bus); then take
Southeast Loop bus 8 before 10:00, or the Werewolf shortly after 10.
If you have any questions, please email me and we can figure out
transporation; I don't want you to miss out just because of the bus

See you there!

Richard Carter
Microsoft Student Partner at NC State
rwcarter@student-partners.[redacted] / rwcarter@ncsu.[redacted]