
Subject : LUG: Solaris Installation Server running on Gentoo

From : "Adam Parrish" <waparris@ncsu.[redacted]>

Date : Wed, 16 Feb 2005 23:31:54 -0500

Hey all –

I am trying to get a Gentoo server that I use to install RHEL machines over kickstart to also serve as a jumpstart server for 2 solaris boxes I continually reinstall. I know that there are quite a few of these jumpstart servers running on the NCSU network (one for each subnet I have to assume). I need some advice though and would appreciate a contact to just bounce some info off of from time to time.

I currently have rarpd/tftpd/bootparamd working as they are supposed to but I get some odd kernel panic info from my sun box when I try to do the boot net – install command. I am currently unable to stop the screen from clearing so that I can get more info to post. Is there a way to stop the screen from scrolling while loading the install kernel?

Stop-a doesn’t work at this point and break doesn’t either.

Any input is more than welcome and much appreciated at this point. Thanks in advance.

-Adam Parrish

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