
Subject : LUG: ssh X11 forwarding problems

From : gyuhasz@ncsu.[redacted]

Date : Tue, 19 Oct 2004 13:22:56 -0400


I am having difficulties with a linux machine I maintain for myself and my advisor on campus.

I am running fedora core 1 with realmkit and am experiencing to following problem.

Whenever someone attempts is ssh into the machine from an X terminal without turning off X11 forwarding, they are locked out and receive a message saying the .Xauthority file could not be over written. The user is then logged in without access to their home/unity directory. The log messages indicate that the appropriate afs tokens could not be obtained. The problem is rectified by running kreset.

I realize that their is probably a problem with my afs setup but I do not know how to fix this problem. I am hoping someone has had this situation before and knows how to fix it. I would also prefer to not install fedora core 2 at this time.

Thank you for your help in advance.

George Yuhasz

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