
Subject : Re: LUG: your leaders have failed you

From : "Heather Heinz" <aileens@gmail.[redacted]>

Date : Wed, 05 Apr 2006 16:37:58 -0400


Bryan: Only if you've actually used it to communicate, but bonus points if know what language it originates from and what it means

*steals shiny hat and threatens smithj with insubordination if he gets out of line*

On the serious side, I appreciate any suggestions you guys have for meeting topics. We can find speakers, generally, if you've got something you'd like to hear about. Further, we'll be having our installfest Saturday the 22nd in Harrelson g108 at 10am. Consider this fair warning and don't schedule any hot dates for the day. I hear some of our members are working on a LAN party that afternoon/evening, so it could be a fun day all around.

LUG@NCSU shiny-hat wearing, power-wielding President

On 4/5/06, Bryan Burroughs < beburrou@ncsu.[redacted] > wrote:
Jack Neely wrote:

>On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 01:10:28PM -0400, Jonathan Smith wrote:
>>Wolfman wrote:
>>>History of 1337
>>executive veto
>>>The zephyr clients
>>wtf is that?
>The Mother of all Instant Messaging protocols developed by MIT and used
>here at NCSU by anyone who aspired to be 1337 until it was
>decommissioned last summer.  *sniff*
>>>Battle of the Distros
>>no, just no (executive veto #2)
>>-smithj, shiny hat extrodinare
>>PS: communist revolts are always possible. I was accused recently of
>>being a terrorist on gentoo-core (or maybe gentoo-dev... anyway), so its
>>not too far off
wait, since I knew what a zephyr was, does that make me 1337?


"It's a one dog town, and he's old and mean..."
-- Garth Brooks

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