

Chat on Matrix

Our self-hosted Matrix instance is bridged to Discord using Mautrix.


Internet Relay Chat is the primary medium of communication for the LUG. IRC is a real-time chatting protocol that dates back to 1988 and is still the technology of choice among free and open source developers. Our channel is hosted on Freenode and usually has a few dozen people in the room at any given time.

Please note that the IRC channel is a public forum and not all of the visitors in the channel are LUG members or students at NC State University.

Server: irc.libera.chat
Port: 6667 | 6697 (SSL)
Channel: #ncsulug

Web client:
  • If you want something a little more featureful, check out Matrix, and a presentation on what it is and how to set it up

Mailing List


To subscribe, email: lug+subscribe@lists.ncsu.edu

Archives (as of 2020): https://groups.google.com/a/lists.ncsu.edu/g/lug
Archives (2004-2022):  https://lug.ncsu.edu/email-archive/
Archives (1994-2002):  https://groups.google.com/g/ncsu.os.linux

Postal Mail

Linux Users Group
c/o SORC
Campus Box 7295
Raleigh, NC 27695